August 7 - Copper Ridge
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Quaranteering In 2021

How Are Events Being Run In 2021?

The Yukon Orienteering Association (YOA) will use a mix of semi-permanent orienteering courses and regular in-person events. Guidelines laid down by Yukon Governement and Orienteering Canada will be followed. Semi-permanent courses will use the usual event sites and maps, but no YOA members will be in attendance. Flags/survey tape identifying control locations will remain in place for one week (well, 6 days) following the opening date.

Once you have registered as a YOA member, you will receive instructions on obtaining a map, and instructions for getting to the course.

Operational Plan

YOA has applied for an operational plan for quaranteering. YOA is following the Covid-19 Sport and Recreation Guidelines published by Sport Yukon, as well as advice from Orienteering Canada.

Membership and Waiver

To speed up registration at in-person events, please bring your waiver (annual) and health declaration (per event) pre-filled and signed. Click here to access forms.

Safety Considerations For 2021

  • All participants must be a member of YOA in order to be covered under the Orienteering Canada insurance policy.
  • Carry a whistle — carrying a whistle is a requirement of Orienteering Canada.
  • Each participant/group must carry a cell phone and tell an emergency contact their plan and return time.
  • Be bear-aware. Consider bringing bear spray and/or bangers.
  • Respect Yukon Government’s physical distancing rules.
  • IMPORTANT: YOA will not be checking whether participants return safely from their orienteering on semi-permanent courses. You are participating at your own risk.

Timing for 2021

For semi-permanent courses, you are responsible for noting your own time. We have tested a smart-phone app that can be used for timing, route tracing, and helping you if you get lost. We will be using a new orienteering app this year, developed in Australia.

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Become A Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to meet other orienteers and to learn new skills.
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Orienteering Canada