June 26 - Takhini School
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Event Planning

The following resources are available for planning an orienteering event.

Important Information


It is recommended that the Condes software be used for course planning. The YOA has a license for Condes 10, so any member of the YOA may use it for course planning. Instructions on downloading and installing Condes 10 can be found here (PDF). A username/password is required to view this document.

Condes For Dummies (PDF) — An excellent brief guide to using Condes.

Condes 10 User Guide (PDF) — Official Condes user guide.

NOTE: Adobe Reader may be required to view the above documents.


The following maps may be used by YOA members only. A username/password is needed to download them.

Number of maps: 26


RouteGadget is an exciting web site that allows orienteers to draw their routes and replay races. Event organizers are encouraged to upload their maps, courses, and results. Visit rg.orienteering.ca to see some of the races that have already been uploaded. Step-by-step guides for both event organizers and participants can be found here.

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Become A Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to meet other orienteers and to learn new skills.
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Learn To Orienteer

Orienteering Canada